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The CIO Balancing Act: Prioritizing Exciting vs. Essential Projects While Building Teams to Handle it All

Growth Acceleration Partners | April 24, 2024

Digital Transformation, Nearshore Solutions, Software & Data Engineering, Thought Leadership

The CIO Balancing Act: Prioritizing Exciting vs. Essential Projects While Building Teams to Handle it All

From Infrastructure to Innovation, Tech Leaders Must Communicate Value & Retain the Right Expertise to Scale CIOs and CTOs are often in a balancing act: leveraging their technical expertise while also being strategic leaders. It’s about aligning technology investments with budgets and priorities. And you’re pursuing initiatives that achieve transformative changes alongside initiatives that enable […]

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Benefits of Nearshore Development vs Traditional Offshore

Darryl Worsham | November 9, 2017

Nearshore Solutions

Benefits of Nearshore Development vs Traditional Offshore

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of nearshore development which can substantially differ from traditional offshore development. Before launching into the benefits of nearshore development, we’ll explain some definitions. We’ll then move onto discussing the positive impact that traditional offshore development can have regarding economic benefit while maintaining quality and increasing development velocity. […]

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