

We share what we learn. It is core to who we are.

Exploring AWS Data Services: Achieving Smooth Integration

May 17, 2024

Data Pipelines

Exploring AWS Data Services: Achieving Smooth Integration

by Andrés Campos, Senior Data Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners. In the realm of data operations, efficiency and agility are essential. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a suite of cloud computing services that seamlessly integrate with each other to streamline data workflows. In this article, we explore a practical data workflow for web applications leveraging […]

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Leveraging Off-The-Shelf AI Models Using Hugging Face’s Transformers Library

April 12, 2024

Machine Learning & AI

Leveraging Off-The-Shelf AI Models Using Hugging Face’s Transformers Library

by Sergio Morales, Principal Data Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners. In recent years, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed a transformative shift with the advent of powerful pre-trained models. These off-the-shelf models have become indispensable tools for developers and data scientists, enabling them to expedite the development of various applications without the need to […]

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Security Vulnerabilities in Websites

March 19, 2024

Front-End Development

Security Vulnerabilities in Websites

by Gabriel Guarna, Staff Software Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners. Today, it’s imperative we improve the security of all our systems. There are more people with knowledge of hacking techniques, so there is a bigger need to search for vulnerabilities in our systems. The objective of this blog is to explain some of the most […]

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A Brief History of Microservices – Part I

March 12, 2024

Software Development Process

A Brief History of Microservices – Part I

by  Jeison Sánchez, Senior Software Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners. Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of software architecture, microservices have emerged as a transformative paradigm, reshaping how we conceive, build and deploy applications. The history of microservices is a journey marked by a shift from monolithic structures to modular and distributed systems. Understanding this evolution […]

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12 Factor App — Codebase. Part II

February 7, 2024

Software Development Process

12 Factor App — Codebase. Part II

by Felipe Quevedo, Senior Software Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners. CI/CD Pipeline In this post, we are digging a little bit on what CI/CD pipeline is and how we can implement it on our project. We aim to achieve our requirement of guaranteeing all the deployments of the application are coming from the same codebase. […]

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Isolate your Test Executions with TestContainers

January 26, 2024

QA Automation

Isolate your Test Executions with TestContainers

By Andony Núñez, Staff QA Automation Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners. What is TestContainers? TestContainers is an Open Source framework licensed under MIT License to create throwaway, lightweight instances of databases, message brokers, web browsers or just about anything that can run in a Docker container. https://testcontainers.com/ Languages This framework was initially created for Java, […]

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The Architect RoadMap

January 25, 2024

Technology Architecture Assessment

The Architect RoadMap

by Santiago Arango, Software Architect at Growth Acceleration Partners. “An architect in software engineering is like a conductor in an orchestra, harmonizing various components to create a masterpiece of functionality and performance.” —Philippe Kruchten Intro Hello dear reader, thanks for being here and taking some time to read this article. I am sharing from my […]

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Event Driven Applications using Azure Event Grid

November 20, 2023

Cloud & Data Advisory

Event Driven Applications using Azure Event Grid

by Carlos Carrero Saldarriaga, Staff Software Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners Introduction This blog entry aims to provide a brief introduction to Azure Event Grid, which is one of the integration services Azure offers to build event driven architectures. We will explore what “events” are in event driven architectures, and how we can use Event […]

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Unlocking the Potential of WordPress as a Headless CMS

November 13, 2023

Web & Cloud Applications

Unlocking the Potential of WordPress as a Headless CMS

by José Ángel Rojas, Senior Software Engineer at Growth Acceleration Partners. Currently, WordPress is one of the most used CMS worldwide. It is used on about 40% of all websites worldwide and meets different objectives, from personal blogs to the development of e-commerce platforms. WordPress is traditionally used for its user-friendly interface and the large […]

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Boost Your Workflow with Kanban (and Its Application in Agile Environments)

October 31, 2023

Software Development Process

Boost Your Workflow with Kanban (and Its Application in Agile Environments)

by Georgelin María Fernández, Senior Agile Facilitator at Growth Acceleration Partners. Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated — with work that’s “almost done,” being unable to meet deadlines, or delivering urgent things that do not meet your client’s expectations? If you’re experiencing these challenges, it may be time to consider using Kanban […]

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