Rodrigo Rodriguez | June 9, 2021
Your Digital Transformation Starts With Digital Transformation Advisory Services
Digital transformation is sweeping through the industry as a new and urgent priority.
Read MoreGrowth Acceleration Partners | June 8, 2021
What Employers Are Looking for in UX Professionals
In this article, we dive into the UX designer skills employers are looking for in potential hires, including an interview with Mission Data's VP of Design Ops.
Read MoreMaria Clara Rojas Bustamente | May 26, 2021
Diversity: Secret Weapon of Product Development
Gender diversity on tech teams is a good business practice, and women are especially well suited for the role of Product Owner.
Read MoreGrowth Acceleration Partners | May 18, 2021
Insights Into Today’s UX Community
We're taking a closer look at who's pursuing a UX career, how that’s changed over time, and the advantages/disadvantages UX professionals are facing.
Read MoreGrowth Acceleration Partners | May 6, 2021
We Can’t Stay Here: Rejecting the Status Quo
We sat down with four GAP leaders from different areas of the company, and asked them to weigh in on rejecting the status quo.
Read MoreGrowth Acceleration Partners | April 21, 2021
Dynamic SAML idP Provisioning for SaaS Rails Apps
When each of our SaaS application’s subscribers need to use a different SAML idP Authentication scheme, we had to get creative.
Read MoreDaniel Golcher Quirós | April 21, 2021
How a Great Product Owner can Turbocharge your Engineering Team
By now we all know about the Agile revolution in software development and its effects on team structure and role descriptions. Or do we?
Read MoreGrowth Acceleration Partners | April 7, 2021
Dealing with Cloud Lock In: 4 Strategies to Set Yourself Free
What is cloud vendor lock-in and why do companies struggle with it? Here are 4 strategies to avoid lock in, and situations that are appropriate for each solution.
Read MoreGrowth Acceleration Partners | February 5, 2021
Quality Assurance (QA), Software Development Process
Simplify Static Asset Management With Vue.js Single-File Component
In this article we share trips and tricks for simplifying Static Asset Management by leveraging Vue.js single-file components.
Read MoreGrowth Acceleration Partners | January 20, 2021
Big Data & Analytics, Web & Cloud Applications
Big Data in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges for software engineers
As healthcare institutions go through the process of digitization, many of them are grappling with how to leverage big data for important initiatives like disease research, patient care and public health management.
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