
Becoming More Technical with Growth Acceleration Partners

Becoming More Technical with Growth Acceleration Partners
Reading Time: 1 minute

Former Chief Innovation Officer at Growth Acceleration Partners, Dave shared that his role is centered around failure. He emphasized that innovative companies tolerate failure and embrace and celebrate it. This approach involves testing and pushing limits in a controlled environment, not about making catastrophic mistakes. Dave works internally with teams to develop innovative solutions for customers and helps them implement these processes.

Dave provided an insightful overview of Growth Acceleration Partners, a company that advises, designs, and builds custom software and data solutions. He emphasized the benefits of the central time zone alignment with US-based customers and the high quality of engineers in the region. Their range of services is impressive, from long-term engagements for established companies to advisory services for startups, providing flexibility and scalability for their clients’ software development needs.

Key Points from the Episode:

  • Overview of GAP and its services
  • Advantages of working with a Latin America talent pool
  • Importance of technical knowledge for business owners in software development
  • Origins and growth of GAP
  • Current trends in the industry, particularly AI technology
  • Role of Chief Innovation Officer at GAP
  • Embracing failure and iterating on ideas