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Labs Notes: BLE Single-antenna Distance Detection Accuracy

Growth Acceleration Partners | July 6, 2021

Data Engineering, IoT & Connected Devices

Labs Notes: BLE Single-antenna Distance Detection Accuracy

We explore the feasibility of using an inexpensive Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) approach to detect the distance between a beacon and a single-antenna receiver.

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Connected Technologies: A Smart Home Away from Home

Growth Acceleration Partners | September 24, 2018

IoT & Connected Devices

Connected Technologies: A Smart Home Away from Home

The hotel and travel industry is poised for a wave of innovation. Emboldened by a strong global economy, consumers are booking more excursions as they seek experiences over goods and services. To remain competitive, established industry players are seizing the opportunity in the upswing to invest in technology that keeps them nimble in the face of a changing market.

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Lab Notes: Augmented Reality with the Microsoft HoloLens

Growth Acceleration Partners | August 9, 2018

IoT & Connected Devices

Lab Notes: Augmented Reality with the Microsoft HoloLens

While wearable technology usually calls to mind devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, one exciting new avenue of research is augmented reality glasses. Virtual reality (VR) takes the user to a whole new virtual space, but augmented reality (AR) instead aims to enhance the real world by providing software interactions with physical things, through mediums like phone screens or glasses. This allows for a whole new approach to user interfaces, because programs can now interface with the real world in more meaningful capacities.

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Lab Notes: Data Collection with Bluetooth Thermometers

Growth Acceleration Partners | June 14, 2018

IoT & Connected Devices

Lab Notes: Data Collection with Bluetooth Thermometers

The advent of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices has allowed for the addition of wireless capability to low-powered devices, and expanding the possibilities for the Internet of Things. Because BLE was part of an update to the Bluetooth Standard in 2011, new code had to be written to support devices that utilized the technology. The Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) specification allows for a standardized method of accessing data from BLE devices, and libraries have been written to support this data collection in various languages. By using this technology, we explored the possibility of creating a “smart” kitchen, such that we could wirelessly receive temperature readings from a variety of Bluetooth thermometers.

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3 Top Trends in Wearable Tech

Growth Acceleration Partners | May 18, 2018

Augmented Reality, IoT & Connected Devices

3 Top Trends in Wearable Tech

When Apple announced its AirPods last year, initially critics were skeptical of the wireless earbuds’ design — seemingly easy to lose and reminiscent of Q-tips or cigarette butts. Yet, aesthetics aside, the tiny protruding cylinders have become an increasingly prevalent accessory in recent months. Apple recently revealed its wearables revenue — from the Apple Watch, Beats headphones, and AirPods — rose 50 percent last quarter.

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Internet of SXSW Things

Growth Acceleration Partners | March 2, 2018

Events, IoT & Connected Devices

Internet of SXSW Things

It’s that time of year again — Mission Data is joining with tech leaders from all over the world at SXSW in Austin, Texas, beginning March 9. Among the many hot topics this year, the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to be at the forefront of discussion. As we continue growing our OpSense IoT platform bringing smart monitoring to retail and restaurant operations (among other use cases), we’re excited to see how industry experts, startups, and influencers shape the conversation around operational technology, wireless infrastructure, data collection, and more.

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Boosting Customer Experience with Kroger’s Smart Shelves

Growth Acceleration Partners | November 21, 2017

IoT & Connected Devices

Boosting Customer Experience with Kroger’s Smart Shelves

For nearly a decade, Mission Data has been an ongoing research and development partner of the Kroger Company, the nation’s largest grocer with $108 billion in sales. The Cincinnati-based supermarket giant employs more than 431,000 associates who serve customers in 2,778 supermarkets and multi-department stores in 35 states.

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Unpacking Tech’s Potential to Transform Supply Chain Logistics

Growth Acceleration Partners | October 5, 2017

Augmented Reality, IoT & Connected Devices, Voice Recognition

Unpacking Tech’s Potential to Transform Supply Chain Logistics

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies are expected to have real-time visibility of their inventories and deliver goods at Amazon-like speeds. While emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), voice interfaces, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have entered the consumer mainstream, enterprises are beginning to explore how these new tools can enhance value and solve problems. One major area in which we’re seeing enterprises effectively utilizing new tech is supply chain logistics.

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Why We’re Launching OpSense IoT Platform [Video]

Growth Acceleration Partners | September 13, 2017

IoT & Connected Devices

Why We’re Launching OpSense IoT Platform [Video]

Mission Data is launching the OpSense IoT platform for the foodservice and retail industries to boost productivity, track assets, and improve ROI. Eventually we plan to expand to other industry verticals with similar needs.

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How Kroger Used the Internet of Things to Revolutionize Food Safety

Growth Acceleration Partners | August 30, 2017

IoT & Connected Devices

How Kroger Used the Internet of Things to Revolutionize Food Safety

In recent years, the Kroger Company, the nation’s largest grocer, partnered with Mission Data engineers to develop several Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives to boost employee efficiency, including a temperature monitoring platform that has now been rolled out at nearly 3,000 stores. Created to reduce a time-consuming, labor-intensive process for tracking temperature data, the IoT platform resulted in millions of dollars in savings, became a leading food safety solution, and improved labor efficiency and consistency.

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