

We share what we learn. It is core to who we are.

The CIO Balancing Act: Prioritizing Exciting vs. Essential Projects While Building Teams to Handle it All

Growth Acceleration Partners | April 24, 2024

Digital Transformation, Nearshore Solutions, Software & Data Engineering, Thought Leadership

The CIO Balancing Act: Prioritizing Exciting vs. Essential Projects While Building Teams to Handle it All

From Infrastructure to Innovation, Tech Leaders Must Communicate Value & Retain the Right Expertise to Scale CIOs and CTOs are often in a balancing act: leveraging their technical expertise while also being strategic leaders. It’s about aligning technology investments with budgets and priorities. And you’re pursuing initiatives that achieve transformative changes alongside initiatives that enable […]

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Measuring the Digital Product Value

Growth Acceleration Partners | November 20, 2023

Digital Transformation

Measuring the Digital Product Value

Determining the true value of a digital product can be a complex task, as it encompasses a range of factors beyond mere functionality. While the importance of digital products is evident, understanding and quantifying their value is often overlooked. To grasp the impact of these products, it's essential to understand the metrics that define their success.

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Digital Transformation: Shifting Trends & Best Practices

Growth Acceleration Partners | September 5, 2023

Digital Transformation, Faces of GAP

Digital Transformation: Shifting Trends & Best Practices

Joyce Durst, CEO and Cofounder of Growth Acceleration Partners (GAP), appeared as a guest on the “SaaS Scaled” podcast, hosted by Arman Eshraghi, CEO and Founder of Qrvey, provider of embedded analytics for SaaS applications. Joyce and Arman discussed ways to help users adopt new technology, digital transformation best practices, and more. You can watch […]

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Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: How Do You Build a Culture of Innovation?

Growth Acceleration Partners | May 4, 2023

Digital Transformation

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast: How Do You Build a Culture of Innovation?

All organizations worldwide aim to foster a culture of innovation, aspiring to systematically transform ideas into successful products or services.Furthermore, just a few of them understand that even when a team is naturally creative, it does not mean that the company can launch new successful products or services intentionally and sustainably. Proper Innovation Management doesn’t […]

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7 Benefits of Choosing the Right Digital Transformation Advisory Services for Your Company

Growth Acceleration Partners | February 25, 2023

Digital Transformation

7 Benefits of Choosing the Right Digital Transformation Advisory Services for Your Company

Digital transformation advisory services are a fairly broad business strategy capable of solving challenges and generating several new opportunities through the use of technology. However, it isn’t just adopting new technology that accomplishes your objectives, because that will also require acceptance and adoption of the technology, and finding ways of delivering increased value to all […]

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Five Tips for Creating Digital Products

Growth Acceleration Partners | February 1, 2023

Digital Transformation

Five Tips for Creating Digital Products

Developing successful digital products takes careful planning and execution from start to finish. Five tips for business leaders considering creating digital products to help ensure what you create is embraced by your users.

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What we’ve learned leading a fully remote internship

Growth Acceleration Partners | June 28, 2022

Digital Transformation, Software & Data Engineering

What we’ve learned leading a fully remote internship

Key takeaways we've learned while migrating to a fully remote internship program as a small company, with a distributed team.

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The Health of Your Technology Partner

Joyce Durst | June 2, 2022

Digital Transformation

The Health of Your Technology Partner

In this article:  Values and company culture translate into a healthy partnership  Economic well being is a signal for a healthy partner A people first approach is crucial  Our recent recognition as a bootstrapped company reminded me of the discipline that was indispensable to GAP’s founding. Building GAP from the ground up with no outside […]

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Kroger Partnership: Helping implement store occupancy monitoring amidst COVID-19

Growth Acceleration Partners | September 14, 2021

Digital Transformation

Kroger Partnership: Helping implement store occupancy monitoring amidst COVID-19

In the midst of COVID-19, we partnered with Kroger to provide a solution for monitoring store occupancy that was effective, quick to implement, and required little to no new equipment.

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Lab Notes: Creating a chatbot using Watson Assistant

Growth Acceleration Partners | July 20, 2021

Digital Transformation, Machine Learning & AI

Lab Notes: Creating a chatbot using Watson Assistant

We explore creating a chatbot using IBM's Watson API to onboard new employees and answer their employment and HR-related questions.

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