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Leveraging Cloud Computing to Improve the Testing Process

Growth Acceleration Partners | July 22, 2024

Cloud & Data Advisory

Leveraging Cloud Computing to Improve the Testing Process

In the past decade, organizations have felt the need to dramatically increase the velocity at which they build and deploy software. Customers want frequent improvements and functionality for their applications and expect these changes to work flawlessly. Because of this rapid pace of software development, staying up to date with testing methodologies is more crucial […]

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Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Cloud Computing Services

Growth Acceleration Partners | July 18, 2024

Cloud & Data Advisory

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Cloud Computing Services

Is your business struggling to scale or advance due to the limited budget for managing and upgrading your on-premise server? It might be time to consider embracing a modern technology — cloud computing. Cloud computing has been around for over two decades and many organizations have been enjoying its numerous benefits. However, some businesses still […]

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What Some Data Analytics Consultants Don’t Want You to Know

Growth Acceleration Partners | June 19, 2023

Cloud & Data Advisory

What Some Data Analytics Consultants Don’t Want You to Know

Data analytics consultants are filling the knowledge and skill gaps created by a tight labor market and the growing need for digitalization. Enterprise-level efficiency is now dependent on leveraging existing datasets to optimize operations. But companies don’t always have the internal capacity to manage still-developing and amorphous issues posed by data transformation, governance and visualization. […]

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A Comprehensive Guide To Streamlining Your Data Migration in 2023

Growth Acceleration Partners | June 7, 2023

Cloud & Data Advisory

A Comprehensive Guide To Streamlining Your Data Migration in 2023

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, data is the cornerstone of effective and strategic decision-making. As companies grow, efficient data management is critical to gaining a competitive advantage. Data migration can help you achieve effective data management and maximize its value in business operations. However, it can also be complex and time-consuming, bringing potential pitfalls that […]

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5 Simple Tips for Using Cloud Technology To Get Ahead of Your Competition

Growth Acceleration Partners | May 22, 2023

Cloud & Data Advisory, Modernize for the Cloud

5 Simple Tips for Using Cloud Technology To Get Ahead of Your Competition

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic taught businesses, it’s that cloud technology is quickly becoming indispensable. By utilizing the cloud, companies continued their operations despite widespread shutdowns. And employees enjoyed remote access to digital resources such as software, applications and files. Countless businesses across all industries are benefiting from cloud technology — including your […]

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How Do You Pick The Best Cloud Solution For Your Business?

Growth Acceleration Partners | May 3, 2023

Cloud & Data Advisory

How Do You Pick The Best Cloud Solution For Your Business?

Due to its elastic, agile and scalable nature, cloud computing continues to be a pillar of safety and innovation to support growth in uncertain times. Global spending on public cloud solutions is projected to increase by 20.7% to $591.8 billion in 2023. Despite inflationary pressures, this is higher than the 18.8% forecast for 2022. With […]

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Cloud Migration May No Longer Be Optional: Get Ahead of the Curve

Growth Acceleration Partners | May 3, 2023

Cloud & Data Advisory, Modernize for the Cloud

Cloud Migration May No Longer Be Optional: Get Ahead of the Curve

More and more, companies realize the undeniable benefits of modernizing outdated systems, such as greater efficiency and reduced costs. As a result, cloud migration is increasingly becoming a top priority across industries. A recent Google Cloud survey of more than 1,900 tech and business leaders found 41.4% intend to expand their investment in cloud products […]

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Cloud Advisory: Future-Proofing Your Computing Services is More Important Than Ever

Growth Acceleration Partners | April 17, 2023

Cloud & Data Advisory

Cloud Advisory: Future-Proofing Your Computing Services is More Important Than Ever

We’re in the middle of a shift in IT infrastructure — and it’s time for businesses to either upgrade legacy systems or fall behind. Surveys suggest companies are catching on: one PwC/Oxford Economics survey reports 53% of business leaders accelerated their digital transformation efforts over the past two years — and 65% of digital IQ […]

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Lab Notes: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Azure

Growth Acceleration Partners | September 20, 2022

Big Data & Analytics, Cloud & Data Advisory, Data Science

Lab Notes: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Azure

Microsoft Azure’s Anomaly Detector provides out of the box machine learning solutions for time series data. Let’s see how it performs!

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How Do You Know Which Cloud Provider is Best for Your Project? You Don’t.

Growth Acceleration Partners | December 7, 2021

Cloud & Data Advisory

How Do You Know Which Cloud Provider is Best for Your Project? You Don’t.

With an increased demand for cloud services, industries of virtually every vertical are migrating to the cloud. So, how do you know which cloud provider is best suited for your project? The short answer: you don’t. 

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