
Accelerate Your Artificial Intelligence Journey

Let's tackle tomorrow's challenges with the transformative power of AI. At GAP, we partner with you to harness AI for automating repetitive and time-consuming processes, breaking traditional barriers, and reshaping user experiences. Let’s shape the future together.

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We help you use AI to make your company better.

Solving clients’ most critical AI challenges


Years in Operation

600+ engineers


Loyal Clients

Long-lasting partnerships


Delivered Projects

Guiding business through their digital transformations


Industry Awards

Success through innovation, leadership and culture

Our artificial intelligence Expertise

Generative AI
GAP finds AI solutions that fit your goals. Unlock the potential of your data, technology, people and processes to get the most out of generative AI. We’ll show you how to use AI in every part of your company so you can do better work, come up with new ideas and keep growing.

AI Modernization
We've been doing AI-assisted modernization for 30 years — seriously, 30 years in Artificial Intelligence Software — and have helped thousands of companies, including big names like Thomson Reuters and Nissan. Ensure your important information is safe and the process is smooth, so you can get back to business faster. Whether you want to do it yourself or have us do it all, we've got you covered.

Machine Learning
GAP helps you be part of the future of language and content generation. Create natural language text, automate content creation, and enhance your customer interactions using the latest advances in artificial intelligence.

Trusted by Microsoft and tons of other developers, we have a team of over 600 experts ready to help.

Download the FREE GAP AI Starter Kit

Survey Reveals GitHub Copilot Accelerates Coding Power, But Still Needs a Human Touch


of GAP engineers indicate GitHub Copilot has been beneficial in various ways. While it primarily improves coding speed it also suggests alternative, version-specific libraries, including MySQL, PDF parsing libraries and SignalR.


of engineers report Copilot has not influenced their design or architectural decisions, and they use Copilot primarily as a tool to assist with specific coding tasks, provide suggestions, and offer detailed information within the context of the code they are writing.


of respondents reported increased development speed and efficiency. Engineers found GitHub Copilot valuable for inline code completion and new feature discovery. Additionally, they praised Copilot chat for providing useful context-specific answers, boosting overall productivity.

Beyond the Buzz: Operationalizing AI With GAP

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the business landscape, and GAP is here to help sift through the noise. Based on our own experience internally — and through helping our clients — we are committed to delivering robust and contextual solutions designed with precision and foresight.

This white paper addresses the hesitation many executives feel amidst the AI craze, highlighting the opportunities AI presents and the complexities to consider. While it’s too early to adopt AI across all your operations, it’s also too late to not use any. Let’s investigate the transformative potential of machine learning & AI while being honest about the tricky parts.

The Challenge of Machine Learning & AI Implementation

Test Case Generation Icon

Data Quality and Preparation

Obtaining clean, relevant data is a constant hurdle. Data must be collected, cleaned and transformed to ensure it is suitable for modeling. GAP's data experts meticulously curate and preprocess data, ensuring it's ready for modeling.

Cypress Code Generation Icon

Resource Allocation

ML projects can be resource-intensive in terms of time, talent and infrastructure. Efficient resource allocation is vital for project success. We assist in optimizing resource allocation, ensuring budgets, talent and computing resources are efficiently utilized.

AI Powered Code Review Icon

Model Selection

Choosing the right algorithm and model for a specific problem can be daunting. GAP brings domain expertise to the table, helping clients select the most suitable models for their specific objectives.

Automated Defect Report Generation Icon

Performance Evaluation

Accurately assessing model performance and interpreting the results is a nuanced task. Misinterpretations can lead to misguided decisions. GAP experts are equipped to not only design and build models, but also employ robust evaluation methodologies.

API Test Generation Icon

Compliance and Ethics

In an age of data privacy regulations, ethical considerations and legal constraints, ensuring compliance is paramount. We can integrate legal and ethical best practices into the machine learning workflow.

The Next Wave of Innovation Begins Now

GAP AI Chatbot Testing Framework

GAP AI Chatbot Testing Framework

GAP’s new AI Chatbot Testing Framework tests and improves the performance of your AI chatbot applications.

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GAP AI-Driven QA Accelerators

GAP AI-Driven QA Accelerators

Growth Acceleration Partners now has AI-Driven QA Accelerators to streamline and augment your software testing processes. By automating time-consuming tasks with generative AI, our platform boosts the performance of QA teams by improving efficiency.

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How Generative AI Can Enhance Your Organization

GAP’s CTO Paul Brownell participated in a panel discussion about how generative AI will impact knowledge management and the future of work. Watch this on-demand episode of Digital Transformation Talk to hear more about how to identify the risks and obstacles to the adoption of generative AI. Plus, hear Paul and the other experts discuss what your ethical and legal responsibilities are by defining comprehensive AI governance.

Our Artificial Intelligence Insights


How GAP Works with Clients to Develop an AI Strategy

July 26, 2024

Machine Learning & AI

How GAP Works with Clients to Develop an AI Strategy

You don’t need to be told that attaching “AI” to a project makes it more appealing. It’s the shiny “it” thing! Generative AI and AI-related startups raised nearly $50 billion in 2023, a significant increase from previous years. Most developers already expect to use AI in some way to improve their

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Getting Started with AI: It’s Easier Than You Think

May 20, 2024

Machine Learning & AI

Getting Started with AI: It’s Easier Than You Think

By Dee Dee Walsh, Geek GAPster Okay let’s be honest — the world of AI sometimes feels like a sci-fi movie. (Star Wars sci-fi not Roger Corman.) So-called experts are throwing out a lot of complicated vocabulary with words and acronyms like neural networks, deep learning, NLP, GAN, RAG, and SLAP.

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6 Misconceptions About Using Generative AI to Improve Programmer Productivity

April 16, 2024

Machine Learning & AI

6 Misconceptions About Using Generative AI to Improve Programmer Productivity

Generative AI can improve programmers’ productivity — but only when they correctly calibrate expectations. Here are six ways to get off on the wrong foot. Attempting to get through a work day without reading or hearing about AI is like trying to send a text message with a carrier pigeon —

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AI’s Potential is Waiting for You

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